Do you own a company that is looking to increase its visibility with prospective customers on the Internet? Perhaps you’ve been using more conventional marketing techniques, and you’ve decided that you ‘d like to transition toward a focus on online marketing. If this is the case, search engine optimization, or SEO, may be best way to go.
What is SEO exactly? SEO tools are put in place in order to make websites more relevant to search engines such as Google. By utilizing pertinent keywords, quality backlinks, and other methods, websites can achieve higher search engine rankings, which enable more online visitors looking for a particular product or service to find the company in question.
But why is investing in SEO an important step to take? On a monthly basis, more than 100 billion web searches are made throughout the world. In fact, as many as eight out of 10 people who use search engines disregard paid advertisements, opting to click on natural results. And when using search engine optimization, it makes sense to cater to mobile users as well, because 65% of them use tablets or smartphones to do their shopping through local companies.
Google is the most prominent search engine currently. Interestingly, in the very early stages of the company, its 4-GB drives–through which the PageRank algorithm was developed–were stored in LEGO bricks. On February 26 in the year 2009, the company published its first tweet, which was simply “I’m feeling lucky” in binary code.
If you have further questions, comments, or recommendations regarding search engine rankings, be sure to share them in the section below.