Google is one of the top five coolest companies to work for. Ever. Their first Tweet that they ever did, on the twenty sixth of February in 2009, was in binary code, translating to one of their search options “I’m feeling lucky.” The lawns of their headquarters are not mowed. No, the grass is fed to goats who are shipped in by a grazing company. They have staff cafeterias with hundreds of different options in countless food styles, and the food is part of your salary. You do not even have to buy your own lunch!
Needless to say, Google is my hero. But, on a more professional note, Google rankings are pretty gosh darn important for online marketing. And what makes your internet marketing more effectively found via the Google search? Why the SEO, that is what. Do you remember what an Seo is? Search engine optimization. It is when you assign your website specific key words that will cause it to be found when those key words are searched for in a search engine, such as that cool one called Google.
Google head quarters also have stations where you can nap. And have gyms. In the building. You can also bring your own pet in with you to work. Oh, and they require that about 30 percent of your time at work is spent focused on a project or task that interests you. You get to do what you want, basically, because it will improve morale and productivity. Google cares about its employees.
Google also cares about its search engine. And you should care about the Google search engine too, especially when it concerns your search engine optimization. Because you want your site to be as search engine optimized as possible. If you do not show up on that first page of searches, you are in serious trouble. Three fourths of the people using a search engine do not look past that first page of search results. In fact you are lucky if the searcher looks beyond the tenth ranked site. Basically anything that requires scrolling to see gets neglected.
And there are now ways to make your site more smart phone friendly too. You also want that because sixty five percent of smart phone users use their web browser to search for local and internet based businesses and services. So, on top of the obvious key word search engine optimization, you should create a blog for your business as well. Businesses with blogs have a whopping four hundred thirty four percent higher amount of indexed pages, making them far more likely to be used as a search result.
So, what did we learn? That Google is the best? No. We knew that already. We learned how important the ranking system that Google employs is. If you can manage to get yourself in the top three, if not the very first rank, then your site has some mighty staying power and your business will see the signs of success as you watch the traffic pour through.
if anyone should know about the whole search engine optimization, I suppose it should be the biggest search engine in the world, right?
if anyone should know about the whole search engine optimization, I suppose it should be the biggest search engine in the world, right?
if anyone should know about the whole search engine optimization, I suppose it should be the biggest search engine in the world, right?
if anyone should know about the whole search engine optimization, I suppose it should be the biggest search engine in the world, right?
if anyone should know about the whole search engine optimization, I suppose it should be the biggest search engine in the world, right?
if anyone should know about the whole search engine optimization, I suppose it should be the biggest search engine in the world, right?